
My Page

My page

You can directly go to My page by clicking your profile image or nickname on the top right of the page.

Update profile

You can change the images after clicking the Settings icon on your profile image of the left pane.
Please note that you must have purchased the profile images from Store using the points to change your profile image, frame, or skin.

View my activities

You can view your activities and achievements in detail.

Collected badges

You can check your badges that indicate your achievements and discover remaining achievable goals.

Typing practices

You can view your records regarding your typing skills and commitments.


You can view your game level and score by date.


You can check your point ledger regarding usage amount, balance, and earning.


You can view a list of your purchased items and status.

My scores

Word/Sentence/Story practice

You can view your best accuracy and CPM and average accuracy and CPM as well as the total time of your activities.


You can view your best score and average score as well as the total time of your game playing.
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